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    4月13日,由泰王国驻华大使馆 、中国泰国商会北京正大中心联合主办,TimeOut北京协办的“2023正大中心国际文化交流暨宋干节活动”在北京正大中心精彩开启。

"Songkran Festival 2023" held its official opening at CP Center on April 13. Royal Thai Embassy, Beijing, Thai Chamber of Commerce in China, CP Center, and TimeOut Beijing collaborated to organize the event.


The 4-day diverse events and authentic Thai Songkran Festival Bazaar from April 13 to 16 will provide an immersive experience of traditional Thai culture, cuisine, and local customs, relying on worldwide cultural exchange. 

    活动第一天,现场气氛热闹活跃,把泰历新年的烟火气原汁原味地呈现给消费者。市集活动现场专设CPFresh 正大泰国榴莲北京首发区,精选泰国直达、浓郁鲜甜的CPFresh 正大泰国榴莲,首批金枕榴莲尝鲜,特色小品种榴莲果肉套餐,多种泰式榴莲甜品等甜蜜惊喜,尽享来自热带的美味馈赠。

The Songkran Bazaar gave customers a genuine flavor of Thai New Year on the opening day of the event. A dedicated area was set up for the debut of CPFresh durian, with a selection of full-bodied and savoury CPFresh Thai durian, the first batch of Monthong tasting, Thailand golden premium durian pulp sets (Tomani durian, Musang King,etc.), as well as a variety of Thai durian desserts, allowing consumers to enjoy the delicacies from the tropics.

    在严选虾种、益生菌喂养的CP Selection正大泰国大虾活动专区,精选商品和“欢乐捕鱼”互动游戏吸引了大批顾客积极参与并争相购买;放心肉源,地道调味的CP Food正大食品,伊森肉肠、泰香Q卷、爆浆鸡排、泰国风味猪肉丸等经典泰国街头小吃拼盘,也让消费者大快朵颐。

At CP Selection's Thai prawn sales area, the engaging games drew a large number of customers to actively participate and purchase high-quality CP Thai king prawn. The platter of classic Thai street food from CP Food such as sausages, crispy chicken cutlets, Thai-style pork balls, etc. were also available for consumers to feast on.


    现场展位除享誉全球的正大品牌带来的优质健康食品外,泰国领先的国际地产开发商-MQDC,也为中国意愿在国外置业的人群提供了高品质房地产项目展示,旨在为全球客户提供一系列健康、可持续的生活方式。此外,生产健康、耐用、高颜值的木质厨房用品,闻名全球的泰国美学家居品牌LC LIVING泰国国民品牌NaRaYaTwin Lotus普达湾香薰等多个品牌的主打产品,吸引了消费者驻足拍照打卡。泰王国驻华大使馆结合泰国街头特色为消费者带来嘟嘟车模型、大象裤、泰拳短裤、伞面描绘着鸟兽虫鱼精细花纹的油纸伞工艺品,让参展者近距离体验地道泰式风情。

In addition to the quality healthy food brought by the world-renowned Charoen Pokphand Group, MQDC, a leading international real estate developer in Thailand, also presented high-quality real estate projects for people who are willing to buy property abroad, aiming to provide a range of healthy and sustainable lifestyles for global customers. Besides, the production of healthy, durable and high value wooden kitchenware, the world-famous Thai aesthetic home brand LC LIVING, Thai national brand NaRaYa, Twin Lotus, as well as PHUTAWAN attracted consumers to stop by and take photos. The Royal Thai Embassy in China brought tuk-tuk models, Muay Thai shorts and the stunning antique oil paper umbrella, depicting detailed patterns of birds, animals, insects and fish on the umbrella surface, allows people to experience the authentic Thai style.

    更有爱泰风•泰式家常菜RAK THAI、斯普汇生蚝牛排馆、西班牙塞拉诺火腿、大跃啤酒、Le Beef牛了牛了等等30余个涵盖精品美食美酒、咖啡甜品、生活日用等品类的、时下深受消费者喜爱的品牌参展,吃喝玩乐一应俱全。

There will also be more than 30 popular brands such as RAK THAI, Oyster & Steak House, Spanish Serrano Ham, Great Leap Brewing, Le Beef, etc., covering Food & Beverage, Camping & Outdoor Sports, Beauty & Skincare, and other categories.


The event also featured interactive activities that immerse customers in a Thai night market-like atmosphere.


More Upcoming Events

4.13-4.16 每天20:00-02:00

大牛好莱坞餐吧K&D Live House电音派对

K&D Live House

Event Date:13 –16 April (8 p.m. - 2 a.m.)

Event Venue:K&D Lounge, B1, CP Center

4.15 15:00-16:00


Thai-Chinese Culture Ambassador Visit CP Center

Event Date:15 April (3 p.m. - 4 p.m.)

Event Venue:L1 Lobby, CP Center


Li Ziting (MIMI), the ambassador of cultural exchange between China and Thailand and the new generation of post-00s power singer, was invited to the scene as the goddess of Songkran Festival to promote the development of China-Thailand friendship.

4.16 17:30


Gala Dinner in celebration of Songkran Festival 

(By Invitation Only)

Event Date:16 April (5.30 p.m.) 

本次庆祝晚宴由风霏京城【MULU Hutong穆禄胡同】以正大优质食材为主要原材料打造别具一格的南洋法式料理。菜单由米其林级别主理人兼主厨Chef Addison亲自设计,让老饕们见证正大优质食材以法餐呈现的高级感。

「 MULU Hutong 」 uses the finest CP products to produce a distinctive Southern French cuisine. Gourmets can sample the top-notch CP ingredients used in French cuisine thanks to the menu created by Michelin-rated Chef Addison.


"Songkran Festival 2023" is not only a novel attempt to foster cultural exchange between China and Thailand through this highly communicative, influential, and leading cultural event, but also helps to facilitate the economic and cultural integration of the two nations. Additionally, this appreciation for cultural history will aid CP Center in developing, and the friendship between the people of China and Thailand will endure!

- END -

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