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               米其林餐厅,以其高贵和独特而备受推崇,成为餐饮界的神秘象征,难以预定和触碰的感觉让人充满向往。在米其林餐厅「众星云集」的北京CBD正大中心里,你将惊喜地发现正大中心的另一颗明珠—— muse 创意西餐厅。


               Michelin-starred restaurants are highly regarded for their exclusivity and uniqueness, becoming a mysterious symbol within the culinary world. The sense of elusiveness and challenge in securing a reservation only adds to their allure. 

               Within the CP Center, a beacon in Beijing's CBD known for its collection of Michelin eateries, you'll find muse modern cuisine. This restaurant stands as a hidden gem within the urban landscape, radiating an ambiance that’s both enchanting and inviting, much like a precious stone awaiting its rightful admirer.

               2023年岁末,由 MUSE GROUP 打造,坐落于北京 CBD 正大中心的 muse 创意西餐厅正式优雅启幕。


               muse modern cuisine 是集团唯一一家以 muse 本名命名的西餐厅品牌,她融合 Fine Dining、Lounge Bar 和 Bistro 等餐饮风格,力求在仪式感、氛围感和松弛感之间找到一个恰当精妙的平衡。

               At the end of 2023, MUSE Group unveiled muse modern cuisine, a creative Western cuisine restaurant located in Beijing's CBD at CP Center. muse modern cuisine, the only one in its kind named after the Group's original brand, blends fine dining, lounge bar, and bistro styles, aiming to strike a delicate balance between a sense of elegance, atmosphere, and relaxation.


                 打造别具一格的摩登文化一直是 muse 不断追求的理念,为此,我们邀请到了来自比利时的星级主厨 Piet Vandeputte 坐镇主理。

从比利时传奇米其林三星餐厅 Hof Van Cleve 开始,这十几年米其林餐厅的工作经验,及在中国超过十年的生活经历,让 Piet 对本地食材及饮食习惯有了深入了解。他擅长将西方料理艺术与东方灵感融合,并巧妙融入亚洲元素,追求经典味道之余,也不忘兼顾国人的口味。

                Crafting a unique modern hospitality has always been muse's enduring pursuit. For this, we have invited “the star” Belgian chef Piet Vandeputte to take the helm.

                  Starting his career at the legendary Michelin three-star restaurant Hof Van Cleve in Belgium, Piet's decades of experience in Michelin-starred restaurants, coupled with over ten years living in China, have endowed him with a profound            understanding of local ingredients and culinary trends habits. He excels in blending Western culinary arts with Eastern inspiration, skillfully incorporating Asian elements, striving for classic flavors while also catering to the tastes of the local population.

                 在 muse modern cuisine,所食所饮、所思所感,将完全颠覆超越你对西餐的传统印象。我们用无微不至的服务满足情绪价值,全心打造的极致用餐氛围。

                别让美味停留在想象中,在这个春天,让 muse 创意西餐带您探寻味觉的边界,领略这个被命名为女神的独特餐厅,享受一场用味蕾和灵感共鸣的非凡之旅。

                At muse modern cuisine, what you eat and drink, think and feel, will completely revolutionize and exceed your traditional impression of Western cuisine. We aim to satisfy emotional value with meticulous service and devote ourselves to creating an ultimate dining atmosphere. Don't let deliciousness linger in imagination. This spring, let muse modern cuisine take you on a journey to explore the boundaries of taste, experience this unique restaurant named after a goddess, and enjoy an extraordinary journey resonating with taste buds and inspiration.


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